Protecting From Wrongful Termination Lawsuits | Sean Rieger

Protecting From Wrongful Termination Lawsuits | Sean Rieger

Employment claims such as wrongful termination lawsuits are amongst the most common claims any business might eventually face. Essentially, wrongful termination is when an individual is fired for an unlawful reason. The risks can be a large judgment or even simply high costs of successfully defending the claim. Such suits can be extremely costly since regardless of whether you win the case or not, you are still on the hook for attorney’s fees.

Taking Care of Business | Gunner Joyce

Taking Care of Business | Gunner Joyce

Spring is a fun and exciting time of year. Gone are the cold and short days of winter, exchanged for warmer weather, blooming vegetation, increased sunlight, and my personal favorite, New York Met baseball. Spring also serves as a reminder to declutter, refresh, and restart in many ways, such as the longstanding tradition of spring cleaning. One aspect that often gets left out of the traditional spring-cleaning checklist is an evaluation and refresh of business matters. Here is a quick list of items you and your company may want to review before we enter the dog days of summer:

Highway Condemnations | Keith Barrett

Highway Condemnations | Keith Barrett

After receiving a mix of federal and state funds, the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (“ODOT”) has announced plans for nearly $8 billion worth of upgrades to the Oklahoma highway system. These upgrades include more than 1,600 highway construction projects to be completed over the next eight years. The plan will repair or replace 685 bridges and improve or widen almost 2,296 miles of roadway, including the construction of new highways in some places. In addition to the ODOT plans, the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority has announced its nearly $5 billion plan which will upgrade existing turnpikes and add new routes throughout the state over the next 15 years.

Larry King Estate | Keith Barrett

Larry King Estate | Keith Barrett

Larry King, the famous American television and radio host, passed away on January 23, 2021. Over his remarkable career in broadcasting, which started in 1957, he earned dozens of broadcasting awards, hosted over 50,000 interviews, often appeared in television and film, and amassed substantial wealth. Yet, upon his passing, he left only a handwritten will to dispose of his assets, otherwise known as a holographic will. Now his family is embroiled in a fight over his estate due to his insufficient planning, and we should learn from the situation.